Tahoe3852.com – LAKE TAHOE LAKEFRONT Rental, North Shore, Carnelian Bay


Departure Duties

Thank you very much in advance for assisting us during the departure process!


  • 10:00AM


A big appreciation to you…Please:

  • SHEETS: Wash & dry ALL the sheets before you leave. Leave the sheets in the dryer. Leave beds unmade.
  • TOWELS: Wash & dry the bathroom towels, beach towels and kitchen towels
    • Most guests start the towels early evening before checkout due to the length of time it takes to dry the towels. (each small load of towels take 1 hour to dry)
    • We have 2 washer & dryers to make the process as fast as possible.
    • For the towels you use in the AM, please start the washers & we will put this last load in the dryers.
  • FOOD: Leave unused food in the pantry and refrigerator.
  • DISHWASHER: Start a dishwasher cycle prior to leaving. (we will empty)
  • GARBAGE: All garbage goes into the bear bins or trash cans in the garage if bear bins are full.
  • PROPANE TANKS: Turn off propane tank to the BBQ and fire pit after each use.
  • UMBRELLAS & KAYAKS: Close all umbrellas and make sure kayaks are placed as far as possible from the water.
  • WINDOWS & DOORS: Close & lock all windows & doors.
  • Text the host (Nelle) once you’ve left the home. 916.716.4733
  • We appreciate you taking the time to write a review!

Thank you very much! By assisting us, we are able to prepare for the 400PM arrival! Plus, we are able to keep our cleaning charges as low as possible…many homeowners charge $600 & more.


  • Please notify us if any damage has been incurred during your stay. We want to replace or repair items before the next guest arrives.